slacker lietuviškai
slacker vertimas n šnek. tinginys, dykūnas
- slack up (v.) nepersitempti, liautis plėšiusis, sulėtinti
- slack off (v.) nuščiūti, išnykti, susilpnėti, nurimti, nustoti, liautis
- slack season (n.) ne sezono metas
- (military machine) a person who shirks his work or duty (especially one who tries to evade military service in wartime)
- (loose) not tense or taut
- (standing) flowing with little speed, as at the turning of the tide Similar to: standing
- (negligent) lacking in rigor or strictness
slacker sinonimai idler, lazybones, lazy-bones, loafer, lounger, shirker, sluggard, skiver
slack sinonimai baggy, dilatory, dull, easy, flaccid, idle, inactive, inattentive, indolent, inert, lax, lazy, lethargic, listless, loose, mellow, negligent, quiet, relaxed, remiss, slothful, slow, sluggish, soggy, stagnant, tardy, laid-back, torpid, drop-off, falling off, falloff, morass, pair of trousers, quag, quagmire, slackness, slacks, slack water, slump, trouser-, bags, mire, pantaloons, pants, trousers, abate, calm, die away, die down, drop, ease off, ease up, fade away, let up, relax, slacken, slack off, slack up, slake, slow, slow down, slow up, subside, take it easy