slander lietuviškai

slander vertimas 1. n šmeižtas, liežuvavimas; 2. v apšmeižti, liežuvauti

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (speech act) words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another Type of: speech act. Type of: defamation
  • (attack) an abusive attack on a person's character or good name
  • (charge) to charge falsely or with malicious intent; to attack the good name and reputation of someone

slander sinonimai aspersion, aspersions, backbiting, calumny, character assassination, defamation, denigration, libel, libelling, malignancy, misrepresentation, scandal, scandalmongering, slandering, slur, smear, asperse, besmirch, blacken s.o.'s good name, cast aspersions on, defame, denigrate, depreciate, disparage, fail to appreciate, libel, run down, smirch, sully, calumniate, smear

Netoliese slander esantys žodžiai