smash lietuviškai
smash vertimas 1. n 1) sudaužymas; sudužimas; 2) sutriuškinimas; 3) sunykimas, krachas; 2. v 1) laužti, lūžti, sudužti; 2) sumušti, sunaikinti (priedą);sutriuškinti; 3) subankrutuoti; 4) pramušti, praskinti kelią (t. p. to smash through/along); smasher n šnek. 1) stiprus smūgis; 2) įtikinantis argumentas
- smash-and-grab raid (n.) vagiliavimas parduotuvėse
- smash-up (n.) avarija, sudužimas, susidūrimas
- smash hit (n.) populiariausia daina, vaidinimas ir pan., populiariausia daina/vaidinimas ir pan.
- smash to pieces (v.) trupinti, trupėti, irti, žlugti
- smash to smithereens (v.) trupinti, trupėti, irti, žlugti
- smash (n.) populiariausia daina, vaidinimas ir pan., populiariausia daina/vaidinimas ir pan., hitas, numeris, sudužimas, trenksmas, avarija, susidūrimas, smūgis
- smash (n.) smūgis iš viršaus
- smash (v.) sudužti, sudaužyti, trenktis, sužlugdyti, sugriauti, atvesti prie bankroto
- smash hit (n.) populiariausia daina, populiariausia daina/vaidinimas ir pan., vaidinimas ir pan.
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (blow) a vigorous blow
- (motor vehicle) a serious collision (especially of motor vehicles)
- (return) a hard return hitting the tennis ball above your head
- (hitting) the act of colliding with something
- (success) a conspicuous success
- (nail) to hit hard
- (break, pieces, striking) to break into pieces, as by striking or knocking over
- (impoverish) to reduce to bankruptcy
- (motion verb) to hit violently Type of: hit
- (humiliate) to humiliate or depress completely
- (damage) to damage or destroy as if by violence
- (hit, tennis ball) to hit (a tennis ball) in a powerful overhead stroke Type of: hit
- (collide) to collide or strike violently and suddenly Type of: collide
- (destroy) to overthrow or destroy (something considered evil or harmful) Type of: demolish
- (separate) to break suddenly into pieces, as from a violent blow Type of: break
- (disintegrate) to break violently or noisily
- (smashingly) with a loud crash
smash sinonimai smashingly, bang, bash, belt, big hit, blockbuster, box-office success, car crash, collision, crash, evergreen, hit, knock, megahit, popular song, road accident, seller, smasher, smash hit, smash-up, strike, success, top of the pops, traffic accident, overhead, bang up, bankrupt, blast, boom, break, crush, dash, demolish, flatten, mash, nail, quash, ruin, shatter, slam, smash up, squash, fragment, shatter, splinter
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