sounding lietuviškai
sounding vertimas n pl gylio matavimas
- sound asleep (adj.) kietai įmigęs, giliai įmigęs
- sound insulation (n.) garso izoliacija
- sound off (v.) skųstis, atvirai pasakyti savo nuomonę, kalbėti, atvirai pasakyti savo nuomonę/kalbėti, pareikšti savo nuomonę, pasisakyti, užgroti
- safe and sound (adj.) sveikas ir gyvas, gyvas ir sveikas
- ringing sound (n.) garsas, triukšmas, trenksmas, gausmas
- sound out (v.) tarti, artikuliuoti
- sound out (v.) išklausinėti
- sound effect (n.) garso efektai, efektai
- sound effects () efektai
- sound projection (n.) metimas, išsikišimas
- Sound power Garsumas
- speed of sound (n.) garso greitis
- Speed of sound Garso greitis
- sound reflection (n.) aidas
- sound reproduction equipment (n.) garso atkūrimo įranga
- sound-track (n.) fonograma, garso takelis, įrašas
- vowel sound (n.) balsis
- (depth) a measure of the depth of water taken with a sounding line Type of: depth
- (measurement) the act of measuring depth of water (usually with a sounding line) Type of: measurement
- (look) to appear in a certain way Type of: look
- (cause to be perceived) to make a certain noise or sound
- (give, certain sound) to give off a certain sound or sounds
- (announce) to announce by means of a sound Type of: announce
- (pronounce) to utter with vibrating vocal chords
- (cause, sound) to cause to sound
- (quantify) to measure the depth of (a body of water) with a sounding line
- (superficial) appearing to be as specified
- (full) having volume or deepness Similar to: full
- (audible) making or having a sound as specified
Sound sinonimai catheter
sound sinonimai careful, close, complete, effectual, fit, good, healthful, healthy, heavy, intelligent, in training, legal, levelheaded, level-headed, profound, proper, reasoned, wakeless, well-grounded, awful, awfully, badly, dire, frightfully, greatly, soundly, terribly, thoroughly, tremendously, arm of the sea, audio, auditory sensation, channel, cheep, musical note, narrows, noise, note, phone, speech sound, strait, straits, tone, alarm, auscultate, blare, cast, chime, echo, enunciate, examine, express, fathom, go, inspect, investigate, knell, measure, peal, plumb, pronounce, reverberate, vocalise, vocalize, voice, chime, ring, strike, gauge, go off, peal, plumb, poll, ring, toll, knell
sounding sinonimai looking, canvass, Gallup poll, opinion poll, opinion-poll, poll, public opinion poll
- sound-film
- sound
- soulless
- sounding
- soup
- soup-plate
- soup-ticket