spirit lietuviškai
spirit vertimas 1. n 1) dvasia, siela; 2) šmėkla; dvasia; 3) žmogus, protas; one of the greatest spirits of his day vienas iš didžiausių savo laikų protų; 4) prasmė; to take in the wrong spiritneteisingai aiškinti; 5) charakteris; 6) nuotaika; to be in high/good spirits būti linksmai nusiteikusiam; to be in low spirits, to be out of spirits būti blogai nusiteikusiam; to keep up one's spirits pataisyti nuotaiką, padrąsinti; 7) narsumas, entuziazmas, dvasios pakilimas, gyvumas; to go at smth with spirit energingai imtis reikalo; people of spirit narsūs žmonės; 8)pl spiritas;2. v įkvėpti; padrąsinti
- community spirit (n.) kolektyviškumas, dvasinė būklė, nuotaika
- motor spirit (n.) variklinis spiritas
- spirit level (n.) gulsčiukas
- festive spirit (n.) linksmybės, pramogos, pasilinksminimas
- spirit of turpentine (n.) terpentinas
- Holy Spirit Šventoji Dvasia
- public spirit () visuomeniškumo jausmas
- team spirit (n.) kolektyviškumas, dvasinė būklė, nuotaika
- (vital principle) the vital principle or animating force within living things Type of: vital principle
- (atmosphere) the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people
- (character) a fundamental emotional and activating principle determining one's character Type of: character
- (spiritual being) any incorporeal supernatural being that can become visible (or audible) to humans
- (emotion) the state of a person's emotions (especially with regard to pleasure or dejection)
- (meaning) the intended meaning of a communication
- (animation) animation and energy in action or expression
- (disposition) an inclination or tendency of a certain kind
- (enliven) to infuse with spirit
- (God) the 3rd person in the Trinity; Jesus promised the Apostles that he would send the Holy Spirit after his Crucifixion and Resurrection; it came on Pentecost
Spirit sinonimai Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit
spirit sinonimai alcohol, animation, apparition, ardour, attitude, audacity, boldness, braveness, bravery, character, complexion, cordial, courage, courageousness, denatured alcohol, disembodied spirit, disposition, dynamism, emotional condition, emotional state, energy, enterprise, enthusiasm, essence, feel, feeling, flavor, flavour, fortitude, gallantry, genie, ghost, gin, gist, go, grit, guts, heart, humour, intent, intention, intrepidity, joie de vivre, joy of life, joy of living, life, life force, liveliness, look, meaning, meths, methylated spirits, mood, nature, nerve, nightcap, phantom, pluck, pluckiness, purport, shadow, smell, soul, spirits, sprightliness, sprite, spunk, substance, temper, tenor, tone, valiance, valiancy, vigor, vigour, vital force, vitality, vivacity, zest for life, liquor, shade, specter, spectre, valor, valour, inspirit, spirit up