sponge lietuviškai
sponge vertimas 1. n 1) kempinė; to chuck up/throw up the spong prisipažinti nugalėtu; to pass the spong overperk. užmiršti; to have a spong downap(si)trinti kempine; 2) girtuoklis, parazitas, veltėdys; 2. v trinti, šluostyti, plauti, valyti kempine; to spong away/off ištrinti kempine; to spong on gyventi kitų sąskaita; to spong out nutrinti kempine; to spong up sugerti kempine
- Contraceptive sponge Makšties kempinė
- sponge off (v.) šlaistytis, trainiotis, nuvilioti, vilioti, melžti, būti išlaikytiniu, prašinėti
- sponge rubber (n.) putgumė
- sponge pudding () biskvitas
- sponge cake () biskvitas
- Calcareous sponge Kalkinės pintys
- sponge on (v.) šlaistytis, trainiotis, nuvilioti, vilioti, melžti, būti išlaikytiniu, prašinėti
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (absorbent material) a porous mass of interlacing fibers that forms the internal skeleton of various marine animals and usable to absorb water or any porous rubber or cellulose product similarly used Type of: absorbent material
- (learner) someone able to acquire new knowledge and skills rapidly and easily
- (follower) a follower who hangs around a host (without benefit to the host) in hope of gain or advantage
- (invertebrate) a primitive multicellular marine animal whose porous body is supported by a fibrous skeletal framework; usually occurs in sessile colonies
- (wipe) to wipe with a sponge, so as to clean or moisten Type of: wipe
- (obtain) to ask for and get free; to be a parasite
- (erase) to erase with a sponge, as of words on a blackboard Type of: erase
- (wipe up) to soak up with a sponge Type of: wipe up
- (gather) to gather sponges, in the ocean Type of: gather
Netoliese sponge esantys žodžiai