squeal lietuviškai
squeal vertimas 1. n 1)kvykimas, žviegimas; klykimas; 2)sl. įskundėjas, išdavikas; 2. v 1)kvykti, žviegti, cypti; klykti; 2)sl. skųstis, protestuoti; 3) sl. įskųsti, išduoti; to make smb. squeal šantažuoti ką
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (howl) a high-pitched howl Type of: howl
- (utter) to utter a high-pitched cry, characteristic of pigs
- (admit) to confess to a punishable or reprehensible deed, usually under pressure
squeal sinonimai shriek, yell, betray, blab, commit treason, denounce, give away, grass on, inform against, inform on, report, scream, screech, sell out, shout, sneak on, snitch, snitch on, spill the beans, tell on, confess, fink, oink, shriek, betray, denounce, give away, grass, inform against, pass on, rat, report, sell down the river, shit, shop, sneak on, stag, tell tales, blab, grass on, shoot one's mouth off, snitch, snitch on, tell on
Netoliese squeal esantys žodžiai