stay lietuviškai
stay vertimas 1. n 1) buvimas; sustojimas; to make a staypabūti, paviešėti; 2) kliūtis; 3) atrama, paspirtis; 4) ištvermė; 5)pl korsetas; 6) jūr. štagas;2. v 1) sustabdyti, sulaikyti; 2) pasilikti; 3) apsistoti, gyventi (at), viešėti (with); 4) laukti, delsti; stay! staynot so fast! palaukite, neskubėkite!; 5) parodyti ištvermę; to stay away neateiti, nebūti; to stay in likti namie, neišeiti; to stay onužsibūti, užtrukti; to stay outnegrįžti namo, nebūti; to stay up negulti, laukti ateinant
- Stay Alive
- stay together (v.) būti drauge, nesiskirti
- stay up (v.) neiti miegoti, užsisėdėti, neiti gulti
- stay behind () likti, pasilikti
- stay put (v.) apsistoti, pasilikti, pasilikti vietoje
- stay the course (v.) užsispirti, atkakliai ką daryti, eiti pirmyn, stengtis iš visų jėgų
- stay at home (v.) neišeiti iš namų, būti namie
- stay out () būti lauke, negrįžti į namus
- stay on (v.) toliau ką daryti, tęstis, tęsti, trukti, pasilikti, apsistoti, būti, likti
- stay fresh (v.) išsilaikyti
- stay away (v.) šalintis ko, laikytis nuo ko atokiai, apeiti ką iš tolo, laikytis atokiai
- (human activity) continuing or remaining in a place or state Type of: human activity
- (inaction) the state of inactivity following an interruption
- (law) a judicial order forbidding some action until an event occurs or the order is lifted Topic: law. Type of: decree
- (strip) a thin strip of metal or bone that is used to stiffen a garment (for example, a corset) Type of: strip
- (nautical) brace consisting of a heavy rope or wire cable used as a support for a mast or spar Topic: nautical. Type of: brace
- (rest) to stay the same; to remain in a certain state
- (stay in place) to not move (from a certain place)
- (stay on) to continue in a place, position, or situation
- (remain behind) to remain behind
- (retard) to stop or halt
- (persist) to stay behind
- (last out) to hang on during a trial of endurance
- (block) to stop a judicial process Type of: stop
- (fasten) to fasten with stays Type of: fasten
- (meet) to overcome or allay
stay sinonimai abode, arrest, check, deadline, delay, halt, hitch, remain, reprieve, sojourn, standstill, stay of execution, stop, stoppage, term, time limit, visit, abide, allay, be, be accommodated, be put up by, buttress, check, continue, curb, delay, detain, dwell, endure, hinder, hold, linger, live, lodge, loiter, prevent, remain, reside, restrain, sojourn, spend, stop, support, suspend, sustain, tarry, wait, appease, be left, be left over, bide, continue, delay, detain, dwell in, last out, outride, persist, quell, remain, rest, ride out, stay on, stay put, stick, stick around, visit, abide