stuck lietuviškai
stuck vertimas pt ir pp iš stick I
- stick about (v.) būti pasirengusiam
- stick at stengtis iš visų jėgų
- stick at () užsispirti, atkakliai ką daryti, eiti pirmyn, stengtis iš visų jėgų
- stick by (v.) paremti, remti, užstoti, lipti
- be stuck (v.) lipti
- stick of rock (n.) kietas saldainis
- stick on (v.) pritvirtinti, priklijuoti
- stick out (v.) atsikišti, išsiskirti, iškęsti, pakęsti, pakelti, išlaikyti, pakęsti, iškęsti, toleruoti, palaikyti, paremti, išsikišti, kyšoti, iškišti
- stick together (v.) būti drauge, nesiskirti
- stick together () suklijuoti, sulipti
- stick up (v.) užpulti
- stick up for užstoti
- stick up for () prisijungti, prisišlieti, palaikyti, remti, palaikyti kieno pusę, ginti, užstoti
- stuck with (adj.) pasmerktas turėti
- stick one's neck out surizikuoti
- stick one's neck out () rizikuoti, surizikuoti, statyti į pavojų
- stick to (v.) laikytis ko, laikytis, neapleisti, lipti
- stick to one's guns (v.) laikytis savo, į nieką nesivelti, tūnoti ausis suglaudus
- stick with (v.) laikytis ko, laikytis, neapleisti
- stick-in-the-mud (n.) seno raugo, senamadis žmogus, seno raugo/senamadis žmogus
- get stuck (v.) sugesti, sugadinti, sulūžti, užsikirsti, įklimpti
- stuck-up (adj.) visiškai tikras, pernelyg įsitikinęs, išdidus, pasipūtęs
- stick in (v.) įtaisyti, įdėti, įterpti
- stick it out () laikytis, ištverti iki galo
- stick around (v.) apsistoti, pasilikti, pasilikti vietoje, būti pasirengusiam
- gear stick (n.) greičių perjungiklis, pavarų perjungimo svirtis
- joss stick (n.) smilkalas
- Joss stick Smilkalų lazdelė
- throwing stick (n.) bumerangas
- (fix) to put, fix, force, or implant
- (stay in place) to not move (from a certain place)
- (attach) to stick to firmly
- (be, become fixed) to be or become fixed Type of: be
- (adopt) to be a devoted follower or supporter
- (stand by) to be loyal to
- (decorate) to cover and decorate with objects that pierce the surface Type of: decorate
- (fasten, adhesive material) to fasten with an adhesive material like glue Type of: fasten. Similar to: cling
- (fasten, pins, nails) to fasten with, or as with, pins or nails Type of: fasten
- (fasten, place, fixing) to fasten into place by fixing an end or point into something Type of: fasten
- (pierce, thrust using) to pierce with a thrust using a pointed instrument Type of: pierce
- (pierce, penetrate, puncture) to pierce, penetrate, or puncture with something pointed Type of: pierce
- (touch) to come or be in close contact with; to stick or hold together and resist separation
- (force) to saddle with something disagreeable or disadvantageous
- (confuse) to be a mystery or bewildering to
- (persist) to stay behind
- (cragfast) caught or fixed Similar to: cragfast
- (perplexed) full of difficulty, confusion, or bewilderment
stick sinonimai branchlet, cane, club, control lever, control stick, joystick, marijuana cigarette, peg, pin, reefer, small branch, spliff, sprig, staff, stave, twig, joint, abid, adhere, affix, amaze, attach, baffle, beat, be fixed, be jammed, be stuck, bewilder, bond, bond together, cement, cleave, cling, cohere, deposit, dig, disconcert, dumbfound, fasten, finger, fix, flummox, fluster, get, glue, glue down, glue on, glue together, gore, gravel, hold, jab, jam, join, lodge, mystify, nonplus, paste on, paste together, penetrate, perplex, persist, pierce, poke, pose, prod, puncture, put off, puzzle, remain, stab, stand by, stay, stay put, stick around, stick by, stick down, stick on, stick to, stick together, sting, stupefy, transfix, unsettle, upset, vex, wedge, adhere, adhere to, be jammed, be stuck, bind, bond, cake, coat, hold fast, jam, stick to, chock, clasp, clench, screw up, squeeze, tighten, wedge