stunning lietuviškai
stunning vertimas a 1) nuostabus; apstulbinąs; 2) amer. šnek.puikus, nepaprastas
- (immobilize) to make senseless or dizzy by, or as if by, a blow
- (hit) to hit something or somebody as if with a sandbag
- (de-sensitize) to overcome as with astonishment or disbelief
- (impressive) commanding attention
- (surprising) causing great astonishment and consternation Similar to: surprising
- (disorienting) causing or capable of causing bewilderment, shock, or insensibility Similar to: disorienting
- (beautiful) strikingly beautiful or attractive Similar to: beautiful
stun sinonimai amaze, astonish, astound, ball over, blow out of the water, floor, overtake, shock, stupefy, surprise, take aback, amaze, anaesthetise, anaesthetize, anesthetize, astonish, astound, baffle, bedaze, bemuse, bewilder, confound, consternate, daze, dazzle, dizzy, dull, flabbergast, make dizzy, overcome, overpower, overwhelm, perplex, sandbag, slug, stupefy
stunning sinonimai arresting, astounding, beautiful, charming, dazzling, exquisite, gorgeous, handsome, remarkable, sensational, striking