tape lietuviškai
tape vertimas n 1) kaspinas, juosta, raištis; tape recorder magnetofonas 2) telegrafo juostelė; 3) finišo juostelė; 4) ruletė, tieslė (t. p. tape- line);red tape kanceliarinis formalizmas, biurokratizmas
- tape line (n.) metras, matavimo juosta, ruletė
- tape recorder (n.) magnetofonas
- tape-recorder (n.) magnetofonas
- tape-record (v.) užregistruoti, įrašyti į juostą, įrašyti, įrašinėti
- tape machine (n.) magnetofonas
- tape recording (n.) įrašymas į juostą
- tape-recording (n.) įrašymas į juostą
- red tape (n.) valdininkija, biurokratija, biurokratinė valstybė, biurokratizmas
- tape measure (n.) metras, matavimo juosta, ruletė
- tape-measure () metras, matavimo juosta, ruletė
- (strip) a long thin piece of cloth or paper as used for binding or fastening Type of: strip
- (recording) a recording made on magnetic tape
- (finishing line) the finishing line for a foot race Type of: finishing line
- (measuring instrument) measuring instrument consisting of a narrow strip (cloth or metal) marked in inches or centimeters and used for measuring lengths
- (memory device) memory device consisting of a long thin plastic strip coated with iron oxide; used to record audio or video signals, or to store computer information
- (attach) to fasten or attach with tape Type of: attach
- (movie) to record on videotape
- (register electronically) to register electronically
tape sinonimai adhesive tape, audiotape, band, bar, belt, cassette, length, line, magnetic tape, mag tape, measuring tape, measuring-tape, minicassette, music cassette, ribbon, Scotch, Scotch tape®, sellotape, Sellotape®, shred, slip, sound recording tape, sticky tape, strap, streak, strip, stripe, tapeline, tape measure, tape-measure, tape recording, tape-recording, taping, width, scotch tape, tape line, put on tape, record, tape-record, videotape