temper lietuviškai
temper vertimas 1. v 1) reguliuoti; 2) mažinti; grūdinti (metalą); 3) švelninti;2. n 1) nuotaika, kantrybė; 2) būdas, charakteris; 3) (plieno) užgrūdinimas; to lose one's temper netekti kantrybės; to recover/regain one's temper nurimti, susivaldyti
- lose one's temper (v.) įsiusti, netekti kantrybės, įsikarščiuoti, nesusivaldyti, užvirti pykčiu, prarasti savitvardą, pasiusti
- good temper (n.) geraširdiškumas
- keep one's temper (v.) valdyti save
- short temper (n.) irzlumas
- in a good temper (adj.) geraširdiškas, geraširdis
- quick temper (n.) irzlumas
- (annoyance) a sudden outburst of anger
- (feeling) a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling
- (ill nature) a disposition to exhibit uncontrolled anger
- (elasticity) the elasticity and hardness of a metal object; its ability to absorb considerable energy before cracking
- (indurate) to bring to a desired consistency, texture, or hardness by a process of gradually heating and cooling
- (modify) to harden by reheating and cooling in oil
- (adjust) to adjust the pitch (of pianos) Type of: adjust
- (weaken) to make more temperate, acceptable, or suitable by adding something else
- (disable) to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement
- (keep back) to lessen the intensity of; to hold in restraint; to hold or keep within limits
temper sinonimai anger, biliousness, calm, calmness, cheer, composure, coolness, disposition, equanimity, frame of mind, individuality, irritability, irritableness, irritation, mettle, moderation, mood, nature, passion, peevishness, personality, pettishness, pique, resentment, snappishness, spirits, state of mind, surliness, temperament, testiness, tetchiness, touchiness, toughness, tranquillity, humor, humour, anneal, chasten, harden, moderate, mollify, normalize, season, tone down, concrete, harden, indurate, solidify, moderate