thought lietuviškai
thought vertimas I pt ir pp iš think. II n 1) mintis, mąstymas; to take thought susimąstyti; in thought susimąstęs; upon second thoughts nuodugniai apgalvojęs; 2) ketinimas; 3) rūpestis, dėmesys
- give no thought to (v.) būti vis vien
- -thought-out () apgalvotas, pasiruošęs, paruoštas
- thought-reader (n.) telepatas
- Think tank Idėjų kalvė
- thought transference (n.) telepatija
- think highly of (v.) dievinti
- think again (v.) apsigalvoti
- think over (v.) apmąstyti, spėlioti, pergalvoti, mąstyti, svarstyti apie, medituoti, gerai apgalvoti
- I don't think so () ne
- think better of () apsigalvoti
- second thought (n.) paskesnė mintis
- think about (v.) paisyti, skaitytis su, kreipti dėmesį į, numatyti, atsižvelgti, turėti omeny, imtis, leistis į, turėti galvoje, puoselėti, įsigilinti, įsileisti, kreipti dėmesį, suplanuoti
- think of (v.) pagalvoti apie, reguliuoti, režisuoti, verstis, suorganizuoti, suveikti, sumanyti, organizuoti, vadovauti, atsiminti, neužmiršti, manyti, laikyti, paisyti, skaitytis su, kreipti dėmesį į, numatyti, atsižvelgti, turėti omeny, imtis, leistis į, turėti galvoje, puoselėti, įsigilinti, įsileisti, kreipti dėmesį, sugalvoti, užmaišyti, išgalvoti, pramanyti, sukurpti, išsigalvoti, ateiti į galvą
- think of () duoti dovanų, arbatpinigių, prisiminti, atsiminti, neužmiršti, duoti dovanų/arbatpinigių
- think the world of (v.) dievinti
- think twice (v.) gerai pagalvoti
- think fit (v.) laikyti reikalinga, ploti
- think out (v.) reguliuoti, režisuoti, verstis, sumanyti, suorganizuoti, organizuoti, vadovauti
- think out (v.) apgalvoti
- think through (v.) pasverti
- think too much of () būti pernelyg geros nuomonės apie
- think of something (v.) suprasti, suvokti, spręsti, išnarplioti, atskleisti, išspręsti, išaiškinti
- Freedom of thought Sąžinės laisvė
- think up (v.) reguliuoti, režisuoti, verstis, sumanyti, suorganizuoti, organizuoti, vadovauti, regzti, išgalvoti, sufabrikuoti, pramanyti, sugalvoti, užmaišyti, sukurpti, išsigalvoti
- school of thought (n.) doktrina, teorija
- Thought (disambiguation) Mintis (reikšmės)
- train of thought (n.) mintis, seka
- (cognitive content) the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about
- (higher cognitive process) the process of using your mind to consider something carefully
- (organized beliefs, period) the organized beliefs of a period, group, or individual Type of: belief
- (opinion) a personal belief or judgment that isn't founded on proof or certainty
- (evaluate) to judge or regard; to look upon
- (expect) to expect, believe, or suppose
- (use, exercise, mind) to use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments
- (remember) to recall knowledge from memory; to have a recollection
- (conceive of) to imagine or visualize Type of: imagine
- (concentrate) to focus one's attention on a certain state Type of: concentrate
- (intend) to have in mind as a purpose
- (decide, pondering, reasoning) to decide by pondering, reasoning, or reflecting
- (ponder, reflect, reason) to ponder, reflect on, or reason about
- (dispose, mind, certain) to dispose the mind in a certain way
- (have, formulate, mind) to have or formulate in the mind
- (be capable, conscious) to be capable of conscious thought
- (change) to bring into a given condition by mental preoccupation Type of: change
thought sinonimai anticipation, appreciation, attention, belief, brainpower, care, cerebration, concentration, concept, concern, consideration, contemplation, conviction, creed, design, expectation, headwork, hypothesis, idea, impulse, intellection, intent, intention, judgement, judgment, mentation, notion, opinion, perception, persuasion, pondering, reflection, regard, sense, sentiment, solicitude, suggestion, supposition, theory, thinking, thought process, view, whim, brainwork, mental labor, mental labour, reflexion, consideration, pondering, think
think sinonimai consideration, pondering, thought, allow for, anticipate, assume, bear in mind, believe, call back, call up, cerebrate, cogitate, conceive, consider, contemplate, deem, deliberate, expect, fancy, feel, find, have the intention to, hold, imagine, intend, mean, mean by, meditate, opine, plan, ponder, postulate, presume, propose, rationalize, recall, reckon, recollect, reflect, remember, retrieve, ruminate, suppose, suspect, think about, think of, think twice, figure, guess, contemplate, ponder, reflect, ruminate, think about, cogitate
- though
- thou
- those
- thought
- thoughtful
- thoughtless
- thousand