thrust lietuviškai
thrust vertimas 1. v (thrust) 1) stumti; įbrukti; 2) durti; to thrust one's way skinti sau kelią; to thrust oneself forward veržtis pirmyn, stengtis atkreipti į save dėmesį; to thrust aside atstumti, atmesti; to thrust from išmesti; to thrust in(to) a) įstumti; įgrūsti; b) įbesti, įdurti;to thrust on priversti, prispirti; to thrust outišvyti; iškelti; to thrust through a) pradurti, prakalti; b) pra(si)mušti; to thrust togethersuspausti; to thrust upon primesti, užkarti;2. n trinkis; dūris; smūgis
- thrust ahead (v.) įsiveržti, įsibrauti
- dagger thrust (n.) nudūrimas, dūrimas
- knife thrust (n.) nudūrimas, dūrimas
- thrust on (v.) įsisiūlyti, įsiūlyti, paskirti, primesti, apkrauti, apsunkinti
- thrust upon (v.) įsisiūlyti, įsiūlyti, paskirti, primesti, apkrauti, apsunkinti
- (phenomenon noun) the force used in pushing
- (blow) a strong blow with a knife or other sharp pointed instrument
- (propulsion) the act of applying force to propel something
- (criticism) verbal criticism Type of: criticism
- (gesture) a sharp hand gesture (resembling a blow)
- (push forcefully) to push forcefully Type of: push
- (stuff) to press or force
- (move) to make a thrusting forward movement
- (compel) to impose urgently, importunately, or inexorably
- (penetrate) to penetrate or cut through with a sharp instrument
- (geology) to force (molten rock) into pre-existing rock Topic: geology
- (stick out) to push upward
- (put) to place or put with great energy
thrust sinonimai bang, biff, bop, clap, clip, crash, dagger thrust, drive, driving force, jab, jabbing, knife thrust, lunge, poke, poking, propulsion, propulsive force, push, report, slap, smack, stab, stab of a knife, stroke, swing, thrusting, whack, shove, wallop, bring down, force, hurl, hurtle, impose, inflict, knife, lunge, perforate, pierce, push up, shove, squeeze, stab, stuff, throw, thrust on, thrust upon, visit, land with, lumber with, saddle with