thumping lietuviškai
thumping vertimas a šnek. didelis, milžiniškas
- thump on (v.) daužyti, belsti
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (clump) a heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects)
- (move) to move rhythmically
- (go) to make a dull sound
- (hit) to hit hard with the hand, fist, or some heavy instrument
- (large) very large
thumping sinonimai banging, humongous, walloping, whopping, boom, bump, clump, clunk, pop, thud, thump, whop
thump sinonimai bang, boom, buffet, bump, clump, clunk, crack, crash, cuff, pop, rap, slap, smack, smacking, thud, thumping, whack, clout, wallop, whop, bang, beat, knock, pound, smack, bang, bang at, bang on, beat, poke, pound, pound at, pound on, punch, thud, thump on
Netoliese thumping esantys žodžiai
- thump
- thumb
- thug
- thumping
- thunder
- thunder-cloud
- thunder-peal