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thundering lietuviškai

thundering vertimas n griaustinis; adj griausmingas

  • like thunder (adv.) kaip pasiutęs
  • Thunder Bay Tander Bėjus
  • roll of thunder (n.) blyksnis, blykstelėjimas, perkūno trenksmas, žaibas
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (move) to move fast, noisily, and heavily Type of: move
  • (shout) to utter words loudly and forcefully
  • (boom) to be the case that thunder is being heard
  • (howl) to make or produce a loud noise Type of: roar
  • (noisy) sounding like thunder Similar to: noisy
  • (impressive) extraordinarily big or impressive Similar to: impressive

thundering sinonimai fabulous, fantastic, grand, howling, marvellous, marvelous, rattling, terrific, tremendous, wonderful, wondrous

thunder sinonimai big H, boom, din, grumble, hell dust, nose drops, roar, roaring, rumble, scag, skag, smack, clap, hurtle, peal, reverberate, roar, rumble, boom, din, hurtle, roar

Netoliese thundering esantys žodžiai