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tooth lietuviškai

tooth vertimas 1. n (pl teeth) dantis; false tooth įdėtas dantis; calf's teeth pieniniai dantys; second teeth natūralūs (savi) dantys; a loose tooth klibąs dantis; to have a tooth out, to pull a tooth ištraukti dantį; to grit the teeth griežti dantimis; to cut a tooth prasikalti (apie dantį); in the teeth of prieš, priešingai, nepaisant; to cast/throw in one's teeth prikaišioti, priekaištauti; tooth and nail iš visų jėgų; energingai, atkakliai; to have a sweet tooth mėgti saldumynus; 2. v 1) dantyti; išrantyti; 2) sukabinti krumpliais; su(si)nerti

  • tooth enamel (n.) emalis
  • Tooth enamel Danties emalis
  • Canine tooth Iltiniai dantys
  • tooth and nail (adv.) iš visų jėgų, dantis sukandus, iš paskutiniųjų
  • tooth doctor (n.) dantistas, dantų gydytojas
  • tooth decay (n.) kariesas, ėduonis
  • baby tooth (n.) pieninis dantis
  • milk tooth (n.) pieninis dantis
  • deciduous tooth (n.) pieninis dantis
  • Molar (tooth) Krūminiai dantys
  • Pulp (tooth) Pulpa
  • wisdom tooth (n.) proto dantis
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (bone) a hard bone-like structure in the jaws of vertebrates; used for biting and chewing, or for attack and defense
  • (something resembling, tooth) something resembling the tooth of an animal Type of: projection. Part of: comb |comb |power saw |saw
  • (body structure) a tooth-like structure in invertebrates found in the mouth or alimentary canal, or on a shell Topic: general anatomy. Type of: body structure
  • (means) a means of enforcement Type of: means
  • (gearwheel) one of a number of uniform projections on a gear Type of: projection. Part of: gearwheel

Tooth sinonimai Teeth

tooth sinonimai cog, fang, incisor, toothy-peg, tusk

Netoliese tooth esantys žodžiai