top lietuviškai
top vertimas I n 1) viršūnė, viršus; 2) aukščiausia, pirmoji vieta; on the top of viršuje; virš; the top of the head anat. viršugalvis; from top to toe nuo galvos iki kojų; the top of the classpirmas klasės mokinys; to take the top of the table sėdėti garbingiausioje vietoje už stalo; at the top of one's voice visu balsu; top secret visai slaptai; off the top (būti) nesveiko proto; 2. v 1) padengti, uždengti; 2) pakilti iki viršaus; pralenkti, būti pranašesniam; to top off išbaigti, apdailinti; to top up a) pripildyti; b) užbaigti II n vilkutis (žaislas); to sleep like a top kietai miegoti (kaip užmuštam)
- on top of () ant, virš
- top it all off () taip pat, ir, be to, dar daugiau
- mountain-top (n.) viršukalnė, viršūnė
- top hat (n.) cilindras
- feel on top of the world (v.) būti, jaustis kaip devintame danguje, švytėti iš džiaugsmo, būti/jaustis kaip devintame danguje, būti kaip devintame danguje, pašokti iš džiaugsmo
- top class (n.) viršenybė, pranašumas
- top of the pops (n.) hitas, numeris
- top dog (n.) galvutė, vadas, vadovas, vyriausiasis, galva
- top executive (n.) magnatas
- top-heavy (adj.) viršuje perkrautas
- top-notch (adj.) aukščiausios kokybės, geriausias, aukščiausios rūšies, geriausios kokybės, aukščiausio laipsnio, aukštos klasės, pirmaklasis, aukščiausios klasės
- Top quark Aukščiausiasis kvarkas
- top out (v.) pasiekti viršūnę, padengti
- top quality (n.) viršenybė, pranašumas
- top secret (adj.) labai slaptas
- top-secret (adj.) labai slaptas
- top side (n.) viršus
- top up (v.) pripildyti
- (region) the upper part of anything Type of: region
- (side) the highest or uppermost side of anything
- (topographic point) the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill)
- (turn) the 1st half of an inning; while the visiting team is at bat
- (degree) the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development
- (intensity) the greatest possible intensity Type of: intensity
- (platform) platform surrounding the head of a lower mast Type of: platform. Part of: ship
- (plaything) a conical child's plaything tapering to a steel point on which it can be made to spin
- (covering) covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container)
- (woman's clothing) a garment (especially for women) that extends from the shoulders to the waist or hips Type of: woman's clothing
- (canvas tent) a canvas tent to house the audience at a circus performance
- (excel) to be superior or better than some standard
- (overtake) to pass by, over, or under without making contact
- (lie) to be at the top of or constitute the top or highest point Type of: lie
- (lead) to be ahead of others; to be the 1st
- (supply) to provide with a top or finish the top (of a structure)
- (reach) to reach or ascend the top of Type of: reach
- (strike, top part) to strike (the top part of a ball in golf, baseball, or pool) giving it a forward spin Type of: hit
- (snip) to cut the top off
- (culminate) to be the culminating event
- (complete) to finish up or conclude
- (adjective) situated at the top or highest position Similar to: apical, crowning, top-most, upper
top sinonimai greatest, acme, apex, apogee, best, big top, brow, cap, carnival marquee, circus tent, climax, cork, cover, crescendo, crest, crown, crown cap, culmination, elevation, ferrule, ferule, head, height, hilltop, housetop, lid, marquee, maximum, meridian, mountain-top, peak, pinnacle, roof, round top, spinning top, stopper, summit, superlative, the pick of the bunch, tip, tiptop, top of the inning, topper, top side, upper side, upside, vertex, zenith, housetop, roof, spinning top, tabletop, teetotum, whirligig, clear, crown, exceed, go past, lead, overstep, pass, pinch, top off, top out, transcend