treasure lietuviškai
treasure vertimas 1. n 1) turtai; 2) brangenybės; 3): buried treasur lobis;2. v 1) krauti turtus; rinkti; kaupti; 2) aukštai vertinti; saugoti, branginti
- treasure-chest (n.) seifas
- treasure-house (n.) meilė, mylimasis, mielasis! mieloji!, brangusis, brangioji, mielasis, mieloji, meilutis, mielas žmogus, aukselis, numylėtinis, lepūnėlis
- (wealth) accumulated wealth in the form of money, jewels, or so on
- (fine art) art highly prized for its beauty or perfection
- (possession) any possession that is highly valued by its owner Type of: possession
- (collection) a collection of precious things Type of: collection
- (see) to hold dear
- (love) to be fond of; to be attached to
treasure sinonimai angel, fortune, funds, gem, gold, hoarded wealth, jewels, prize, profusion, riches, storehouse, treasure-house, treasury, valuables, wealth, admirer, beloved, boyfriend, darling, dear, dearest, fellow, flame, love, lover, luv, pet, sweet, sweetheart, sweetie, young man, baby, beau, bonanza, fancy man, honey, suitor, swain, treasure-house, treasury, wealth, appreciate, care for, cherish, hold dear, prize, value
- treasonable
- treason
- treadle
- treasure
- treasurehouse
- treasurer
- treasury