trick lietuviškai
trick vertimas 1. n 1) gudrybė, apgaulė; to play one a trick apgauti; 2) pokštas, juokas; dirty/shabby tricks nešvarūs, negražūs pokštai; 3) triukas, fokusas; 4) įgudimas; būdas, metodas; 5) kort. kirtis;2. v 1) apgauti, išvilioti (out/of); 2) gražiai arba įmantriai papuošti (out/up/off)
- a trick of the trade () amato paslaptis
- conjuring trick (n.) pokštas, triukas, fokusas
- do the trick () patenkinti poreikius, tikti, pavykti padaryti
- magic trick (n.) pokštas, triukas, fokusas
- trick or treat! () jei neduosi, bus blogai!
- trick out (v.) aprengti, aptaisyti, apranga
- confidence trick (n.) apgavystė
- hat trick (n.) trys vieno žaidėjo įmušti įvarčiai tose pačiose rungtynėse
- play a trick on (v.) klaidinti, apgauti, išvilioti, sugundyti, persimesti į kitą pusę, tarnauti dviem šeimininkams, apsukti, apmulkinti, sugluminti, prigauti, apmauti, suvedžioti, iškrėsti
- trick into (v.) klaidinti, apgauti, išvilioti, sugundyti, persimesti į kitą pusę, tarnauti dviem šeimininkams, apsukti, apmulkinti, sugluminti, prigauti, apmauti, suvedžioti, iškrėsti
- trick out of (v.) klaidinti, apgauti, išvilioti, sugundyti, persimesti į kitą pusę, tarnauti dviem šeimininkams, apsukti, apmulkinti, sugluminti, prigauti, apmauti, suvedžioti, iškrėsti
- trick question (n.) suktas klausimas
- trick up (v.) aprengti, aptaisyti, apranga
- (device) a cunning or deceitful action or device
- (work shift) a period of work or duty Type of: work shift
- (dishonesty) an attempt to get you to do something foolish or imprudent Type of: dishonesty
- (diversion) a ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement
- (performance) an illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers
- (customer) a prostitute's customer
- (card game) in a single round, the sequence of cards played by all the players; the high card is the winner Topic: card game. Type of: turn
- (deceive) to deceive somebody
trick sinonimai antic, artifice, caper, conjuration, conjuring trick, contrivance, custom, deceit, deception, device, dodge, farce, fast one, feint, fraud, frolic, gimmick, go, habit, habitude, hoax, hype, illusion, ingenuity, joke, knack, legerdemain, magic trick, mannerism, manoeuvre, ploy, practical joke, practices, prank, put-on, ruse, shenanigan, sleight, stratagem, subterfuge, thaumaturgy, tic, tour, trap, way, wile, wiles, wrinkle, john, whoremaster, whoremonger, beguile, beguile into, bilk, bilk out of, cheat, cheat out of, con, deceive, delude, double-cross, dupe, flim-flam, fob, fool, fox, have, lead astray, misguide, mislead, outsmart, outwit, play, play a hoax on, play a joke on, play a prank on, play a trick, play a trick / tricks on, play a trick on, play tricks, play tricks on, pull a fast one on, rip off, rook, swindle, swindle out of, take, take in, trick into, trick out of, bamboozle, hoodwink, lead up the garden path, outmaneuver, outmanoeuvre, put on the wrong track, take for a ride