trip lietuviškai
trip vertimas 1. v 1) eiti lengvai ir greitai; 2) suklupti (on/over); 3) pakišti koją (t. p. perk.); 4) suklysti; pačiupti meluojant; 5) paleisti (aparatą);atleisti (mygtuką);2. n 1) ekskursija, kelionė; išvyka; a round trip kelionė, reisas(ten ir atgal); to make trips kursuoti; to take a trip pasivažinėti, padaryti išvyką; 2) suklupimas, klaida
- round trip (n.) kelionė ten ir atgal, kelionė ratu
- round-trip ticket (n.) bilietas ten ir atgal
- pleasure trip (n.) išvyka, ekskursija, iškyla
- trip up (v.) klupti, apsirikti, suklysti, prašauti pro šalį, užkliūti
- trip-up (n.) apsirikimas, klaida
- trip the light fantastic (v.) šokti
- trip over (v.) užkliūti, suklupti, klupinėti
- trip the light fantastic toe (v.) šokti
- (journeying) a journey for some purpose (usually including the return) Type of: journeying
- (hallucination) a hallucinatory experience induced by drugs Type of: hallucination
- (mishap) an accidental misstep threatening (or causing) a fall
- (experience) an exciting or stimulating experience
- (catch) a catch mechanism that acts as a switch
- (step) a light or nimble tread Type of: step
- (blunder) an unintentional but embarrassing blunder
- (miss, step, fall) to miss a step and fall or nearly fall
- (cause, stumble) to cause to stumble
- (travel) to make a trip for pleasure
- (initiate) to put in motion or move to act
- (trip out) to get high, stoned, or drugged
trip sinonimai banana skin, blunder, error, excursion, expedition, flight, gaffe, head trip, jaunt, journey, junket, lapse, misstep, outing, passage, pleasure cruise, pleasure trip, round trip, sashay, slip, sortie, stumble, tour, tripper, trip-up, voyage, goof, dance, err, fall, hop, misstep, skip, stumble, tour, travel, trip up, tumble, activate, actuate, get going, get off, initiate, jaunt, journey, set off, spark, spark off, start, start up, stumble, stumble over, to knock someone off his feet, touch off, travel, trigger, trigger off, trip out, trip over, trip up, turn on