unbroken lietuviškai
unbroken vertimas a 1) sveikas, nesudaužytas; unbroken soilplėšinys, dirvonas; 2) ištesėtas (pažadas, žodis); 3) be pertraukos, nenutrūkstamas
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (marked, continuous, uninterrupted) marked by continuous or uninterrupted extension in space, time, or sequence Similar to: solid, uninterrupted
- (wild) not subdued or trained for service or use Similar to: wild
- (unplowed) of farmland, not plowed
- (contract) especially of promises or contracts, not violated or disregarded
- (not broken) not broken; whole and intact; in one piece Described by: integrity
unbroken sinonimai ceaseless, continuous, endless, entire, feral, intact, kept, perfect, perpetual, through, unceasing, undamaged, undisturbed, undomesticated, unimpaired, uninterrupted, unploughed, unplowed, untamed, whole, wild
Netoliese unbroken esantys žodžiai