voiced lietuviškai

voiced vertimas a skardus

  • voice communication (n.) kalba
  • give voice (v.) tarti, artikuliuoti, išdėstyti, dėstyti, pasakyti, išreikšti žodžiais
  • voice mail (n.) balso paštas
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (express) to give voice to Type of: express
  • (pronounce) to utter with vibrating vocal chords
  • (sonant) produced with vibration of the vocal cords

voiced sinonimai oral, phonetic, soft, sonant, spoken, unwritten, vocal

voice sinonimai articulation, authority, control, interpreter, mouthpiece, part, phonation, representative, say, spokesperson, vocalisation, vocalism, vocalization, vox, express, say, pronounce, sound, vocalise, vocalize, tune, tune up

Netoliese voiced esantys žodžiai