voluntary lietuviškai
voluntary vertimas a 1) savanoriškas; 2) sąmoningas, apgalvotas
- Voluntary euthanasia Eutanazija
- voluntary restraint agreement (n.) savanoriško apsiribojimo susitarimas
- voluntary restraint (n.) savanoriškas apsiribojimas
- voluntary organisation (n.) savanoriška organizacija
- voluntary work (n.) savanoriškas darbas
- international voluntary worker (n.) tarptautinės pagalbos savanoris
- voluntary military service (n.) savanoriška karinė tarnyba
- Voluntary Human Extinction Movement Savanoriško žmonių išnykimo judėjimas
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (military machine) a person who freely enlists for service
- (solo) composition (often improvised) for a solo instrument (especially solo organ) and not a regular part of a religious service or musical performance Type of: solo
- (own free will) of one's own free will or design; done by choice; not forced or compelled Similar to: freewill, self-imposed, uncoerced, unpaid, willful
- (physiology) controlled by individual volition Topic: physiology
voluntary sinonimai conscious, intended, intentional, missionary, premeditated, spontaneous, unasked, unasked for, uncalled, unconstrained, unforced, willful, willing, military volunteer, volunteer
Netoliese voluntary esantys žodžiai
- voluminous
- volume
- voluble
- voluntary
- volunteer
- voluptuous
- vomit