whip lietuviškai
whip vertimas 1. n 1) botagas; 2) partijos autoritetas; 2. v 1) čaižyti; rėžti, mušti (botagu); 2) raginti; 3) suplakti (pvz., baltymus); to whip away a) išvyti, išginti (botagu); b) pabėgti; c) sugriebti, išnešti; to whip down nubėgti žemyn, greitai nusileisti; to whip forward paraginti, vyti; to whip in suvaryti, suginti; to whip off a) numesti, nusivilkti; b) išbėgti, nučiuožti; to whip on pavaryti, raginti, niuksėti; to whip out a) išvaryti botagu; išgauti ką (mušimu); b) išgriebti; c) išsiplėšti; to whip round a) vyti ratu; b) apsisukti; to whip up a) skubinti, raginti;perk. kurstyti; b) pagauti; c) bėgti į viršų, skubiai pasikelti; to whip up and down bėgioti ir šen ir ten
- whip up (v.) plakti, išplakti, skubiai parengti
- whip off (v.) trūkti, skilti
- whip round (v.) greitai apsisukti
- party whip (n.) partinės drausmės prižiūrėtojas
- smart as a whip (adj.) spindintis, galvotas, puikus, talentingas
- riding whip (n.) rimbas
- (instrument) an instrument with a handle and a flexible lash that is used for whipping
- (legislator) a legislator appointed by the party to enforce discipline
- (dessert) a dessert made of sugar and stiffly beaten egg whites or cream and usually flavored with fruit Type of: dessert
- (golf game) the flexibility of the shaft of a golf club Topic: golf game. Type of: flexibility
- (blow) a quick blow delivered with a whip or whip-like object
- (beat upon) to beat severely with a whip or rod
- (beat out) to defeat thoroughly
- (convulse) to thrash about flexibly in the manner of a whiplash Type of: convulse
- (strike) to strike as if by whipping
- (cooking) to whip with, or as if with, a wire whisk
- (attack) to subject to harsh criticism
whip sinonimai cream, lash, party whip, whiplash, milk pudding, beat, beat untill stiff, beat up, flagellate, flog, lash, punish, scourge, stir, strap, thrash, whip up, beat, beat up, blister, blow down, bring down, cheat, defeat, fell, flog, kill, knock down, lash, lather, mop up, overthrow, pip, rack up, ruin, scald, slash, strap, throw down, trip up, trounce, welt, whip up, whisk, worst