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won lietuviškai

won vertimas pt ir pp iš win.

  • win round to (v.) įtikinti
  • win over to (v.) įtikinti
  • win the day () laimėti, nugalėti
  • no-win (adj.) niekam nepalankus
  • South Korean won Pietų Korėjos vonas
  • North Korean won Šiaurės Korėjos vona
  • win round (v.) įtikinti
  • win through () prasimušti, suklestėti, pasisekti, pavykti, savo pasiekti, nugalėti visus sunkumus, kam pasisekti, aukštai iškilti, padaryti karjerą
  • win over (v.) įtikinti, palenkti į savo pusę, įkalbėti
  • win over (v.) nuraminti, numalšinti, sutaikyti, nuteikti savo naudai, padaryti brangų, brangesnį, padaryti brangų/brangesnį
  • win over () įkalbinėti, atkalbinėti, įkalbėti, atkalbėti, įtikinti, palenkti į savo pusę
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (South Korean monetary unit) the basic unit of money in South Korea
  • (North Korean monetary unit) the basic unit of money in North Korea
  • (beat out) to be the winner in a contest or competition; to be victorious Follows: beat out. Followed by: compete
  • (get) to win something through one's efforts
  • (gain ground) to obtain advantages, such as points, and so on
  • (succeed) to attain success or reach a desired goal
  • (adjective) not subject to defeat

win sinonimai profits, triumph, victory, winnings, achieve, acquire, attain, be first past the post, bend, be superior, be victorious, defeat, earn, gain the upper hand, get, get hold of, get the best of, get the better of, get the upper hand, have/get/gain the upper hand, have the upper hand, obtain, overcome, predominate, prevail, procure, receive, succeed, triumph, acquire, advance, attain, be successful, be successful in, bring home the bacon, come off, come through, deliver the goods, gain, gain ground, get, get ahead, go places, hold up one's end, make headway, make it, manage, pull ahead, reach, succeed, succeed in, to do well, win through, bring off, pull off

won sinonimai North Korean won, South Korean won

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