year lietuviškai
year vertimas ,n 1) metai; leap year keliamieji metai; fiscal year biudžetiniai metai; an off year nederlingi metai; the New Y. Naujieji metai; to see the New Y. in sutikti Naujus metus; (I wish you) a happy New Y.! laimingų Naujųjų metų!; the year of gracemūsų eros metai; from year to year, year by yearkiekvienais metais, kasmet; year in year out metai iš metų; once a year kartą metuose; this day year lygiai prieš metus; all the year roundištisus metus; in the year one neatmenamais laikais; school year mokslo metai; 2)pl metai, amžius; in years pagyvenęs
- marketing year (n.) prekybiniai žemės ūkio metai
- New Year Naujieji Metai
- school year (n.) mokslo metai
- two-year (adj.) dvimetis
- financial year (n.) finansiniai metai
- year-book (n.) metraštis, almanachas
- light year (n.) šviesmetis
- light-year (n.) šviesmetis
- Light-year Šviesmetis
- planning of the school year (n.) kalendorinis mokslo metų planas
- time of year (n.) metų laikas, sezonas
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (decade) a period of time containing 365 (or 366) days
- (period, time occupying) a period of time occupying a regular part of a calendar year that is used for some particular activity Type of: time period
- (period, time that) the period of time that it takes for a planet (as, for example, Earth or Mars) to make a complete revolution around the sun Type of: time period
- (gathering) a body of students who graduate together
year sinonimai annually, each year, every year, once a year, yearly, class, crop, draft, interval, levy, period, space, span, spell, time, twelvemonth, yr
Netoliese year esantys žodžiai