be angliškai
be vertimas prl. 1. (žymi ko nebuvimą) without; be išimties without exception; be abejo without/beyond a doubt ; be trijų minučių dešimt three minutes to ten ; be atodairos regardlessly; be galo very much, extremely; be reikalo in vain, to no purpose ; be paliovos continuously, uninterruptedly, without a break ; on end; 2. (žymi išskyrimą) besides; but, except; be to besides, in addition, moreover, furthermore, what's more; be kitko besides
- be balno () bareback, barebacked, bare-backed
- asmuo be pilietybės (n.) stateless person
- be draugų (adj.) friendless, outcast
- be debesų (adj.) cloudless, unclouded
- (kalbantis) be sąryšio (adj.) bitty, disconnected, disjointed, incoherent
- be abejonės (adv.) doubtless, undoubtedly, unquestionably, beyond all doubt, beyond doubt, for sure, no doubt, confessedly, without a doubt, doubtlessly, indubitably, beyond a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt
- be abejonės () unquestionable, beyond doubt, indubitable, to be sure, without doubt, no doubt
- be nuotaikos (adv.) moodily
- be jokio rimto darbo at a loose end
- be niekieno pagalbos () freewill, of one's own accord, off one's own bat, through one's own efforts, all on one's own, on one's own, under one's own steam
- (kalbantis) be sąryšio, padrikai (adj.) bitty, disconnected, disjointed, incoherent
- apsieiti be go without
- apsieiti be () dispense with, do without, go without, spare
- be ceremonijų (adj.) offhand
- be ceremonijų (adv.) offhand, offhanded, offhandedly, extempore
- be lapų (adj.) bare, defoliate, defoliated
- be motinos (adj.) motherless
- be sąryšio (adv.) incoherently, irrelevantly
- augti be priežiūros () run wild
- be blogų kėslų () in good faith, bona fide
- be mokesčių () tax-exempt, tax-free, untaxed
- be pašto mokesčio (adj.) post-free
- be skaičiaus () umpteen, umteen, legion, uncountable, countless, infinite, innumerable, innumerous, myriad, multitudinous, numberless, uncounted, unnumberable, unnumbered, unnumerable, without number
- be to (adv.) as well as, besides, moreover, over, then, what's more, behind, additionally, to boot, yet, still, more, beside, in addition, furthermore, what is more, top it all off, what is / what's more
- be to () either, nor
- be ... damas () continue, go on, proceed, go along, keep, get on, carry on, get about, keep going, keep it up, keep on
- be abejo (adv.) bound to, certainly, easily, for certain, securely, safely, reliably, really, surely, sure, for sure, sure enough, sure as shooting, O.K., truly, certain, definitely, exactly, indeed, quite, right, so, by a long chalk, by a long shot, by far, far and away, out and away, far, by half
- be baimės (adv.) unflinchingly, undauntedly, boldly, daringly, audaciously, fearlessly, dauntlessly, intrepidly
- be dūmų (adj.) smokeless
- be garso (adv.) silently, noiselessly, soundlessly
- be pasitikėjimo (adv.) distrustfully, mistrustfully
- be saulės (adj.) sunless, cloudy, cloud-covered, clouded, overcast, dull
- be atvangos (adv.) untiringly, unflaggingly, unweariedly, indefatigably, tirelessly, inexhaustibly
- be cukraus (adj.) sugarless, nonsweet, sugar-free
- be entuziazmo (adv.) cold-bloodedly, coldly, detachedly, clinically, standoffishly, stonily, cooly, coolly, nervelessly, nonchalantly, half-heartedly
- be entuziazmo (adj.) halfhearted, lukewarm, indifferent, dispirited, half-hearted, tepid
- be jokios priežasties (adv.) complimentarily, gratuitously, free, gratis, for free, free of charge, for nothing
- be kraujo praliejimo (adj.) bloodless
- be miego (adv.) wakefully
- be paliovos šnekėti talk nineteen to the dozen
- be reikalo (adv.) unduly, excessively, needlessly, unnecessarily
- be saiko (adv.) exorbitantly, extortionately, usuriously
- be skausmo (adv.) painlessly, painless
- be galo (adv.) hugely, unreservedly, supremely, immensely, enormously, tremendously, staggeringly, absolutely, unquestioningly, unconditionally, wholeheartedly, appallingly, exceedingly, passing, extremely, immeasurably, amply, capaciously, commodiously, roomily, spaciously, sweepingly, widely, comprehensively, vastly, endlessly, boundlessly, infinitely
- be galo () heaps, far
- be galo apie (v.) talk round
- be galo aukštas (adj.) topless
- be galo ilgai () eon, aeon, age, a month of Sundays
- be išraiškos (adj.) deadpan, expressionless, impassive, poker-faced, unexpressive
- be kvapo (adj.) breathless, broken-winded, wheezy, short of breath, blown, pursy, short-winded, winded, out of breath, puff, puffed
- be muito (adj.) duty-free, free of duty, duty free
- be nuomos mokesčio (adv.) rent-free
- be nuovokos (adj.) clueless
- be perspektyvų (adj.) dead-end
- be perstojo (adv.) running, nonstop, non-stop, away, all the time, the whole time, endlessly, ceaselessly, incessantly, unceasingly, unendingly, continuously, on and on, one after another, one after the other, uninterruptedly, at a stretch, solid, solidly
- be priežiūros (adj.) unattended
- be pusiausvyros (adj.) unbalanced, disturbed, crazed, deranged, half-crazed
- be rėmelių (adj.) rimless
- be rūpesčių (adj.) blithe, blithesome, lighthearted, lightsome, light-hearted, sheltered
- be rūpesčių (adv.) blithely
- be skonio (adv.) tastelessly
- be tikslo (adv.) aimlessly
- be triukšmo (adv.) silently, noiselessly, soundlessly
- be darbo (adj.) idle, lazy
- be darbo () jobless, out-of-work, unemployed, out of work
- be dėkingumo (adv.) ungratefully, unappreciatively, thanklessly
- be kupiūrų (adj.) full-length, uncut
- be mėnulio (adj.) moonless
- be paliovos () all the time, the whole time, endlessly, ceaselessly, incessantly, unceasingly, unendingly, continuously, on and on
- be paliovos (adv.) for life, perpetually
- be pastangų (adv.) no problem at all, no trouble at all, without any trouble, without effort, effortlessly
- be pastangų () handily, hands down, with flying colours
- be perstojo plepėti () go on
- be pertraukos (adv.) running, solid, solidly, one after another, one after the other, continuously, uninterruptedly, at a stretch
- be pertrūkių (adj.) continuous, uninterrupted
- be pinigų (adj.) flat broke, broke, bust, skint, stone-broke, stony-broke, stone broke, on the rocks
- be sapnų (adj.) dreamless
- be sustojimo () one after another, one after the other, continuously, uninterruptedly, at a stretch, solid, solidly, running
- be sąmonės (adj.) unconscious, benumbed, insensitive, insensible, unaffected, cold, senseless, out
- be pagrindo (adj.) baseless, groundless, idle, unfounded, unwarranted, wild
- be viršutinės dalies (adj.) topless
- kalbėti be sąryšio (v.) ramble on, ramble, jog
- be vėjo (adj.) airless, close, stuffy, unaired
- kaina be mokesčio (n.) price net of tax
- mėsa be kaulų (n.) boned meat
- būstas be patogumų (n.) substandard housing, sub-standard housing
- būstas be patogumų (n.) sub-standard housing
- kai esi pusiau be sąmonės (n.) grogginess, stupor, stupefaction, semiconsciousness
- be užuolankų (adv.) baldly
- išmoka be įnašų (n.) non-contributory benefit
- pusiau be sąmonės (adj.) semiconscious
- paskola be palūkanų (n.) free credit
- be įgūdžių (adv.) artlessly, crudely, inexpertly
- kaip be galvos (adv.) wildly, furiously
- keliauti be bilieto () stow away
- įeiti be bilieto (v.) barge in, crash, gate-crash
- išmoka be įnašų [V4.1] non-contributory benefit [V4.1]
- išmoka be įnašų [V4.1] (n.) non-contributory benefit [V4.1]
- pardavimas be muito (n.) duty-free sale
- eiti be eilės (v.) push in, jump the queue
- keleivis be bilieto (n.) stowaway
- likti be nieko () fall between two stools
- pagyventi be patogumų () rough it
- vykstantis be pertraukų (adj.) nonstop, non-stop
- vykstantis be pertraukų/sustojimų (adj.) nonstop, non-stop
be sinonimai neturintis, tuščias, atėmus, be to, išskyrus, minus, ne
be- sinonimai kad ne, ne, ne-
Netoliese be esantys žodžiai
Kiti žodžio be vertimai