kas angliškai
kas vertimas įv. 1. (klausiamasis - apie asmenį) who; (apie daiktą) what; kas ten kalba? who is speaking there?; ką jūs skaitote? what are you reading?; ko tu nori? what do you want?;2. (santykinis) who; nebuvo kas jam padėtų there was nobody to help him; kas nedirba, tas nevalgo he who does not work, neither shall he eat ;3. (nežymimasis) some; kas rašė, kas skaitė some were writing and some were reading;4. (klausiant) anybody (apie asmenį); anything (apie daiktą); ar yra kas viduje? is anybody (anything) in?; kas nors (apie asmenį) somebody, someone; (klausiant) anybody, anyone; (apie daiktą) something; (klausiant) anything;5. tai kas kita that is quite a different matter; ką tik just, just now; kas per naktis! what a night!; kas rytą every morning; kas yra? what is the matter?; kas tau yra? what is the matter with you?; kas bebūtų whatever may be; kas bus, tas bus what will be will be; kas ne kas (apie asmenį) somebody; some people ; (apie daiktą) something
- kad ir kas () anyone, anybody, whoever
- kas (į)žeidžia (n.) offence
- bet kas () anyone, anybody, whoever, anything, one, someone/something or other
- (kam kas) sunkiai sektis make heavy weather of
- kas galima () put a good face on it, grin and bear it, make the best of a bad job
- kas gelbsti () grace, saving grace, state of grace
- kas pusvalandį () half-hourly
- kas ant širdies guli on one's mind
- kas antras (adj.) alternate, every second week, month etc, every second week, month ZZZetcZZZ
- kai kas () something
- kas baisaus (n.) shocker
- kas gyvenime geriausia the best of both worlds
- kas pilkos spalvos () gray, grayness, grey, greyness
- kas ant sprando sëdi (n.) millstone, burden, load, encumbrance, incumbrance, onus, tax, weight
- kas atitraukia dėmesį (n.) distraction
- kas blogiausias () worst
- kas buvo bygones: let bygones be bygones
- kas erzina (n.) annoyance, annoying, irritation, vexation, peeve
- kas gi whoever
- kas neišeitų į gera a blessing in disguise
- kas nors bjauraus (n.) blot
- kas savaitę (adv.) weekly issue, weekly
- kažin kas () someone
- kol kas () provisionally, for the moment, for the time being, for now, for the present, still, hitherto, up till now, up until now, so far, up to now, always, as far as I know, yet, ever-
- kas atveria akis (n.) eye-opener, exposure, disclosure, revelation, revealing
- kas bus () after all, in the final analysis, come what may, here goes, what if?
- kas dvi savaitės () every fortnight, once a fortnight, every other week, every two weeks, fortnightly, biweekly, bi-weekly
- kas geriausias () high society, cream, pick, cream cheese, the pick of the bunch, crème de la crème, cream of the crop
- kas kelia pavojų (n.) menace, threat
- kas ketvirtį (adv.) quarterly, every quarter
- kas netvarkingas (n.) mess, messiness, muss, mussiness
- kas nors išsunkta () squeeze
- kas nors papildoma (n.) extra, duplicate
- kas nukaręs (n.) flap
- kas pagreitina permainas (n.) catalyst
- kas pavaduoja (n.) replacement, replacing, surrogate, alternate, substitute
- kas pridaro daug rūpesčių (n.) handful
- kas strapinėja (n.) toddler, yearling, tot, bambino
- kas gera (n.) good, goodness
- kas gera () good, goodness
- kas maudosi (n.) bather
- kas nors someone
- kas nors () anyone, anybody, whoever, not in the least, none, not a bit, far from, one, someone/something or other
- kas padedantis taupyti (n.) saver
- kas pamišęs dėl ko nors (n.) maniac, fanatic, addict, nut, freak, junkie, junky
- kas tai matė! kaip taip galima?! () come on, come, come along
- kas valandą () hourly
- kas yra if you don't like it, take pot luck, you can lump it
- kas įmanoma () do one's level best, try one's best, go all out, give one's best, do one's best, to be on one's best behaviour, to put your best foot forward, give full measure, tumble down, topple over, fall down, fall over, keel over, tip over, do one's damnedest, try one's hardest, do one's utmost, lean over backwards, fall over backwards, bend over backwards
- kas žino there's no telling
- na ir kas? () so what, what of it?
- ne kas kitas () no other than, none other than
- ne šiaip kas no less a person ZZZetcZZZ than
- kas nors specialaus (n.) special
- kas praėjo - užmiršta over and done with
- kas praėjo – užmiršta over and done with
- kas priklauso (n.) due
- kas pusmetį () half-yearly
- kas slapta klausosi (n.) eavesdropper
- kas įkyrus (n.) pain, pain in the neck, nuisance, pimple, a pain in the neck
- kol kas viskas gerai () so far, so good
- kas padidinta (n.) enlargement, blowup, magnification
- vykstantis kas du mėnesiai (adj.) bi-monthly
- nors kas () a modicum, a bit, a little, a trifle
- vykstantis kas dvi savaitės (adj.) every fortnight, once a fortnight, every other week, every two weeks, fortnightly, biweekly
kas sinonimai bet kas, ką, kad ir kas, kas nors, kažkas, kokį, koks, kuris