labai angliškai
labai vertimas prv. very, very much; highly, greatly; extremely; badly; vastly; l. svarbu it is very important, it is of great importance; l. reikia it is urgent; it is badly needed
- labai akivaizdus (adj.) coarse, crass
- labai aukštai () altissimo, lofty, towering, sky-high
- labai gerai tikti () suit down to the ground, fit like a glove
- labai aukštas (adj.) eminent, lofty, soaring, towering, altissimo, sky-high
- labai nudžiugęs (adj.) rapt, thrilled, elated, delighted, overjoyed, in raptures
- būti labai užsiėmusiam () swing, get around
- labai nedaug () hardly a, few and far between, precious few/little
- labai dažnai () thick and fast
- labai užsispyręs (adj.) desperate
- tai labai lengva () there is nothing to it
- labai nelaimingas (adj.) gray, grey, blue, depressed, dispirited, down, downcast, downhearted, down in the mouth, low, low-spirited, gloomy, grim, at a low ebb, prostrate, down-in-the-mouth, dismal, miserable
- labai didelio numerio (adj.) outsize, outsized, oversize, oversized
- labai didelis (adj.) resounding
- labai gerbti (v.) esteem, show respect for, respect, reverence, fear, revere, venerate, regard
- labai gilus (adj.) bottomless
- labai slaptas (adj.) top-secret, top secret
- labai tikti () suit down to the ground, fit like a glove
- labai švarus (adj.) immaculate, undefiled, speckless, spick-and-span, spic-and-span, spic, spick, spotless
- kad ir labai () whereas, while, notwithstanding the fact that, meanwhile, after, despite the fact that, in spite ot the fact that, although, much as, when
- labai jautriai (adv.) touchily
- labai kritiškas (adj.) censorious
- labai norėti (v.) have a good mind to, want, fancy, feel like, die
- labai norėti () have a good mind to
- labai senas (adj.) time-honoured, age-old
- labai seniai () a long time, for a long time, long, donkey's years, donkey's ages, a month of Sundays
- labai sėkmingai () handily, hands down, with flying colours
- labai greitas () overnight
- labai juokingas (adj.) killing, sidesplitting, priceless
- labai laukiantis (adj.) agog
- labai madingas () trendy, voguish, all the fashion
- labai maža įmonė (n.) micro-enterprise
- labai norintis (adj.) keen, anxious, dying, longing, avid, zealous, eager
- labai plonas (adj.) diaphanous, filmy, gauzy, gossamer, see-through, sheer, transparent, vaporous, cobwebby, gauze-like, vapourous
- labai protingas veiksmas () masterstroke, tour de force, master stroke
- labai trumpai in summary, summarising, summarizing, to recap
- labai į(si)žeisti (v.) mortify
- labai trumpos trukmės finansavimas (n.) very short-term financing
- labai geras (adj.) superior
- labai karštas () burning, piping hot
- labai maža dalelė (n.) ultra-fine particle
- labai mažas (adj.) infinitesimal, minute, atomic, teensy, teensy weensy, teeny, teeny weeny, tiny, minuscule, miniscule, diminutive, micro-, fractional, nominal, miniature
- labai mėgstantis () keen on
- labai smarkiai (adv.) sorely
- labai svarbus įvykis (n.) milepost, landmark, milestone
- labai užsiėmęs (adv.) busily
- labai vertinti () make much of
- labai vykęs (adj.) bang-up, bully, corking, cracking, dandy, great, groovy, keen, neat, nifty, not bad, peachy, slap-up, swell, smashing, out of sight, fine, out of this world, grand, sensational, tip-top
- labai įdomus (adj.) stimulant, stimulating
- labai ilgai () a long time, for a long time, long, donkey's years, donkey's ages, a month of Sundays
- labai susiraitęs (adj.) frizzy, frizzled, fuzzy, crisp, frizzly, kinky, nappy, crinkly
- labai šaltas (adj.) frore, Arctic, bitter, ice-cold, icy, freezing
- labai panašus alike ZZZetcZZZ, pretty much the same, to the life
- labai panašus (adj.) lifelike
- labai retai () once in a blue moon
- labai juodas (adj.) ebon, ebony
- labai greitai (adv.) hastily, hurriedly, in a hurry, in one's haste, in the hurry, in haste, in great haste, posthaste, in the rush, post-haste, at full pelt
- labai greitai () double-quick, promptly, right off, at the double, on the double, immediately, instantly, straightaway, straight off, directly, now, right away, at once, forthwith, like a shot, straight away, like a house on fire, this instant, outright, right, right now, in record time
- labai menkas (adj.) minimal, minimum, outside
labai sinonimai daug, daugybė, dideliu mastu, nepaprastai, perdëm, perdėm, tikrai, ypač, apsčiai, aukštai, baisiai, baisingai, be galo, daug, didžiai, gana, ganėtinai, gausiai, giliai, griežtai, karčiai, kiek leidžia sveikas protas, labai smarkiai, nepaprastai, nuostabiai, pakankamai, pasibaisëtinai, pasibaisėtinai, puikiai, rimtai, siaubingai, skausmingai, smarkiai, sočiai, tikrai, vidutiniškai, ypač
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