narys angliškai
narys vertimas 1. member; (mokslo draugijos, tarybos t. p.) fellow; profsąjungos n. trade-union member; parlamento n. member of parliament (sutr. M. P.); n. korespondentas corresponding member; garbės n. honorary member ;būti komiteto ir pan. nariu to be on a committee, etc. 2. anat. joint; 3. mat. member, term; proporcijos n. term of proportion; proportional;
- EB Audito Rūmų narys (n.) member of the EC Court of Auditors
- mokslo draugijos narys (n.) fellow
- kongreso narys (n.) congressman, congresswoman, representative
- parlamento narys (n.) Member of Parliament
- trupės narys (n.) actor, histrion, player, thespian, role player, trouper
- Europos Parlamento narys (n.) Member of the European Parliament
- koledžo tarybos narys (n.) fellow
- naujas narys (n.) recruit
- profsąjungos narys () trade unionist, unionist, union member, trades unionist
- pakaitinis narys (n.) alternate
- pasipriešinimo narys (n.) resistor, Resistance worker, resistance fighter
- EB Teisingumo Teismo narys (n.) member of the EC Court of Justice
- nepriklausomas narys (n.) non-attached member
- tarybos narys (n.) council member, councillor
narys sinonimai esantis kaip filialas/narys/padalinys
Netoliese narys esantys žodžiai
Kiti žodžio narys vertimai