nieko angliškai
nieko vertimas nothing
- beveik nieko next to nothing
- daug triukšmo dėl nieko a storm in a teacup
- (neatsitiko) nieko blogo none the worse for
- nieko neįtariantis (adj.) unsuspecting, unsuspicious
- nieko nepaisyti go to any lengths
- ir nieko daugiau () literal, pure and simple
- likti be nieko () fall between two stools
- nieko negalėti su savimi padaryti () help oneself, help
- tai nieko () that's a pity., it doesn't make any difference, never mind
- nieko nepasiekti get nowhere
- nepaisyti nieko stop at nothing
- neturėti nieko bendra su () dismiss, disregard, brush aside, brush off, discount, push aside, ignore, be nothing to do with, give the go-by, have nothing to do with
- nieko negailėti () exert o.s., pull one's weight, go to town
- nieko neišsprendžiantis (adj.) indecisive, in doubt
- nieko nepešti () forget, block, blank out, draw a blank
- nieko nesakyti mean nothing to
- nieko nėra švento nothing is sacred (to him, nothing is sacred (to him, them ZZZ etc ), them
- nieko nesuprasti make head or tail of
- nieko nesuprasti () understand, get the picture, comprehend, savvy, dig, grasp, compass, apprehend, take in, grok, take, figure out, get, make head or tail of, make much of, see, make nothing of
- nieko svarbaus nothing much
- nieko tikra () castles in the air, pie in the sky
- nieko ypatinga () nothing to write home about, nothing much, there is nothing to it
- pradėti nuo nieko start from scratch
- sau nieko negailintis (adj.) self-indulgent
- tarsi nieko nėra sweep under the carpet
Netoliese nieko esantys žodžiai
Kiti žodžio nieko vertimai