nors angliškai
nors vertimas 1. jng. though , although ; (net jei) if, even if; n. ir vėlu, jis vis dėlto ateis late as it is he is sure to come ; n. jis ir praturtėjo, bet neteko draugų if he gained in wealth, he lost in friends ; jis baigs darbą, n. turės sėdėti visą naktį he will finish the work, even if he has to sit up all night; n. senas, bet visai sveikas he may be old, but he is perfectly healthy ;2. dll. 1. (bent) at least; just; jei ne dėl jo, tai n. dėl jo draugo if not for him, at least for his friend ; palaukite n. minutę! won't you wait just a minute? ; pasakyk (ite) n. žodį! do say something!, won't you say a word to me?; duokite man n. mažą žodynėlį quite a small dictionary will do for me; I only ask for a small dictionary; kad n. priežastis kokia būtų it's not as if there were any real cause ; kad n. arbatos kur išgėrus! if only one could get a cup of tea somewhere!;3. (ppr. n. ir; jei norite) if you like; n. ir dabar now, arba at once, if you like ; n. ir mėnesiui for a month, if you like ;3. (net) even; šiuo tiltu n. sunkvežimiu važiuok the bridge would bear even a motor-lorry
- atlikti (kokį nors veiksmą) (v.) take
- būti neteisiam kieno nors atžvilgiu () sandbag
- kieno nors pasididžiavimas () a feather in one's cap
- atimti drąsą ką nors daryti (v.) deter, discourage
- kieno nors sąskaita () at the expense of
- būti užsiėmusiam kuo nors () be busy, be engaged, be in use, be occupied, be taken, have got on, be taken up with, be tied up, have on
- (ką nors) darant on
- gelbėti kieno nors prestižą/reputaciją () save one's face
- imtis ko nors () tack, wear round
- būti neteisingam kieno nors atžvilgiu () be hard on
- galų gale ką nors padaryti () finish up, land up, fetch up, end up, wind up, finish, land
- kas nors someone
- kas nors () anyone, anybody, whoever, not in the least, none, not a bit, far from, one, someone/something or other
- kas pamišęs dėl ko nors (n.) maniac, fanatic, addict, nut, freak, junkie, junky
- kieno nors iniciatyva () under the auspices of
- kieno nors labui in the interest(s) of, in the interest of, in the interests of
- kokiu nors pavidalu in any shape (or form)
- ginti ką nors () fight for, uphold, strike a blow for
- kieno nors rankose () in the hands of
- kieno nors vardu () in aid of, in favour of, toward, towards, behalf
- klysti ką nors darant () err on the side of
- ką nors reikšti mean something
- atimti norą ką nors daryti (v.) warn, discourage, admonish, monish, deter
- kas nors papildoma (n.) extra, duplicate
- kas nors specialaus (n.) special
- ko nors nepadarymas (n.) inability, failure, incapability
- ko nors nepadaryti (v.) come unstuck, break down, miscarry, come to grief, founder, fail, flunk, bomb, flush it, be wide, go wide, not hit, miss, go by the board, breakdown, come to nothing
- išgerti į kieno nors sveikatą () drink to
- jausti kam nors silpnybę () cotton, take to, have a weakness for, fond of, have a soft spot for
- kam nors nežinant behind someone's back
- kokiais nors sumetimais in the interest(s) of, in the interest of, in the interests of
- kaip nors (adv.) possibly, somehow
- kaip nors () somehow or other
- kieno nors globoje () in someone's charge
- kas nors išsunkta () squeeze
- iš kieno nors rankų () at the hands of
- kas nors bjauraus (n.) blot
- kam nors baigta () done for
- kada nors (adv.) ever, of all time, someday, one day, on a certain day, one fine day, sometime
- kada nors () someday, one day, some day
- kieno nors naudai () in aid of, in favour of, toward, towards, behalf, in favor of, pro, in one's favour
- kur nors (adv.) anywhere, anyplace
- kur nors () somewhere, someplace, anywhere, somewhere or other
- koks nors () any
- nors kas () a modicum, a bit, a little, a trifle
- kuria nors priemone () by, via
- kieno nors akyse before/under one's very eyes
- kur nors kitur (adv.) in another place, elsewhere
- lenkti galvą prieš ką nors () take one's hat off to
- kokiu nors būdu somehow or other
- kuriuo nors būdu () by, because of
- nors vienas () a modicum, a bit, a little, a trifle
- nors kiek (adv.) remotely
- paduoti kam nors ranką () shake hands with, shake hands, shake, shake someone's hand
- palaikyti kurią nors pusę () side with, take sides
- pasukti kuria nors atšaka () turn, move around, fork
- sutikti su kuo nors () agree, hold, concur, concord, settle on, go along with
- priversti ką ką nors daryti () force someone's hand, put the screws on
- turėti ką nors bendra su (v.) touch
- turėti ką nors bendra su () have to do with, to do with
- palaikyti kieno nors pusę () side with, take sides
- patikėti kuo nors () take someone's word for it
- po kieno nors padu () dominated, henpecked, pussywhipped, under someone's thumb
- rengti kokiai nors veiklai () prepare, groom, train
- su kuo nors baigta () be undone, be done for, have had it, have had it with, be lost, be over and done, be over and done with, be finished, be finished with, go west, be sunk
- teikti kam nors vilčių raise someone's hopes
- sekti kieno nors pėdomis () follow in s.o.'s footsteps, follow in someone's footsteps
- stoti už ką nors () fight for, uphold, strike a blow for
- toliau ką nors daryti () continue, go on, carry on, proceed, go along, keep, get on, get about, keep going, keep it up, keep on
- turėti (kam nors) silpnybę have a weakness for
- turėti ką nors bendra () do with, be mixed up
- už kieno nors nugaros behind someone's back
- užeiti ko nors paimti (v.) roll up, collect, accumulate, pile up, amass, compile, hoard, run up
- užimti kieno nors vietą (v.) substitute, replace, interchange, exchange, displace
- į kieno nors sveikatą (v.) drink to
- įprastas kuriam nors metų laikui (adj.) seasonable
nors sinonimai jeigu, kad ir labai, o tuo tarpu