nusimanyti angliškai
nusimanyti vertimas understand; (apie) know (about), be a good judge (in), be versed (in); vaikas dar nieko nenusimano the child doesn't yet understand; nusimanyti apie techniką be technically minded
- gerai nusimanyti apie () know the score, be with it, be on the ball, know what's going on, know what's what, know one's stuff
- nusimanyti apie (v.) understand, get right
Netoliese nusimanyti esantys žodžiai
- nusimanymas
- nusilupti
- nusilpti
- nusimanyti
- nusimauti
- nusimazgoti
- nusimeluoti
Kiti žodžio nusimanyti vertimai