o angliškai
o vertimas 1. jng. and; džn. neverčiamas; (priešpastatant) but; while; jis inžinierius, o aš gydytojas he's an engineer, (and) I'm a doctor ; aš jį mačiau, o jis manęs nematė I saw him, but he did not see me; ne dešimt, o vienuolika not ten, but eleven ; dešimt, o ne vienuolika ten - not eleven; tėvai išėjo, o vaikai liko namie the parents went out while the children remained at home;2. dll.: o aš taip ir sakiau jam! I told him!, I did tell him!; o koks jūsų reikalas? what business is it of yours? ;o (į) kur jūs?(and) where are you going?; 3. jst. oh! , o!, ah!; o, kad būčiau sveikas oh, if I were well!
- o ką what about?
- o dėl () as regards
- o pats no less a person ZZZetcZZZ than
- o kaipgi (adv.) bound to, certainly, for certain, securely, safely, reliably, really, surely, sure, for sure, sure enough, sure as shooting, O.K., truly, certain, definitely, exactly, indeed, quite, right, so
- o tuo tarpu () whereas, while, notwithstanding the fact that, meanwhile, after, despite the fact that, in spite ot the fact that, although, much as, when
- o dabar () meantime
- o ne () as opposed to
- oi! o Dieve! () my God!, good heavens!, Heavens!, my goodness!, oh dear!, dear, dear!, oh!, my goodness, gosh, good gracious!, gracious, my, dear, good gracious, good heavens, goodness gracious, goodness me, grace, heavens
- vajetau! o Dieve! () my God!, good heavens!, Heavens!, my goodness!, oh dear!, dear, dear!, oh!, my goodness, gosh, good gracious!, gracious, my, dear, good gracious, good heavens, goodness gracious, goodness me, grace, heavens
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