persimesti angliškai
persimesti vertimas 1. (per) throw (over); p. per petį fling over one's shoulder , shoulder;2. (žodžiais, žvilgsniais) bandy, exchange ; p. keliais žodžiais exchange a few words;3. (apie ugnį, epidemiją) spread (to); ugnis persimetė į gretimus pastatus the fire spread to the neighbouring buildings ;4. (pereiti pas priešus) desert (to); p. į priešo pusę go over, arba desert, to the enemy;5. (apie lentą ir pan.) warp, be warped
- persimesti į kitą pusę (v.) play a trick, play tricks on, bamboozle, outmaneuver, trick out of, cheat, cheat out of, hoodwink, outmanoeuvre, outsmart, outwit, put on the wrong track, take for a ride, take in, delude, double-cross, lead astray, mislead, misguide, play a joke on, play a prank on, beguile, beguile into, trick into, lead up the garden path, trick, fob, fox, pull a fast one on, play a trick on, rook, deceive, bilk, bilk out of, rip off, dupe, swindle, swindle out of, fool, flim-flam, play tricks, take, play a trick / tricks on, con, have, play a hoax on, play
persimesti sinonimai iškreipti, iškrypti, kilnotis, kilti, susilankstyti
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