po angliškai
po vertimas žymint 1. vietą: in, about; (paviršium) on, over; (su įnagininku) under; vaikščioti po laukus walk in the fields ; vaikščioti po kambarį walk about the room; (ten ir atgal) pace up and down the room; vaikščioti po gatves walk the streets; vaikščioti po žolę walk on the grass; vaikščioti po parduotuves go round the shops; keliauti po visą kraštą travel all over the country ; knygos išmėtytos po visą stalą the books are scattered all over the table; sėdėti po medžiu sit under a tree; po kojomis under one's feet; dirbti po žeme work underground; eik po dešinei (po kairei) go to the right (to the left);2. laiką: after; (praeityje t. p.) later; (ateityje t. p.) in; po pietų after dinner; po kurio laiko after a while; diena po dienos day after day; jis atvyko po metų he arrived a year later; po mėnesio kito ir pavasaris in a month or so spring begins ; dešimt (minučių) po šešių ten (minutes) past six ; po šiai dienai down to the present day ; until today; po to later on;3. kiekį: in, by; po du in twos; po tris in/by threes; po penkis rublius (kiek) vienas at five roubles each ; po du obuolius (asmeniui) two apples apiece ; po velnių! to hell with it!; eik po velnių! go to the devil!, go to hell!;4. priešd. (su bdv.) žymint dalinę ypatybę = apy-; pvz., posenis, potamsis žr. apysenis, apytamsis; 2. (su dkt. kamienais) žymint laiką: after-, post- ; popietinis after-dinner; poledyninis postglacial;3. (su dkt. kamienais) žymint vietą apačioje, žemiau: under-, sub-; podirvis undersoil, subsoil
- auginimas po plėvele (n.) cultivation under plastic
- einantis po () next to
- arba po valgio (n.) grace, blessing, thanksgiving
- dairytis po parduotuves shop around
- augti kaip grybams po lietaus (v.) mushroom
- gimęs po tėvo mirties (adj.) posthumous
- po visą šalį () nation-wide
- iš po žemių iškasti () track down, stalk, hunt down
- akmuo po kaklu (n.) millstone, burden, load, encumbrance, incumbrance, onus, tax, weight
- keliauti po (v.) kick about, kick around, roam about, roam around, wander about, wander around, roll, wander, swan, stray, tramp, roam, cast, ramble, rove, range, drift, vagabond, meander, tour
- naršyti po internetą (v.) browse, surf
- po laiko (adv.) late, belatedly, tardily
- vienas po kito () thick and fast, running, in tandem, one after another, one after the other, one by one, successively, consecutive, sequentially, in succession
- kaip iš po žemių (adj.) funereal, sepulchral
- maudytis po dušu (v.) shower, shower down, have a shower, take a shower
- po ranka (adj.) handy, ready to hand
- po ranka () handy, ready to hand, within arm's reach, within one's reach, within reach, at one's elbow, close at hand, near at hand, straight to hand, visible, at hand, on hand, to hand
- priglausti po sparnu () handle, to take someone under your wing, take in hand, take under one's wing
- gudrumas po laiko (n.) hindsight
- naršymas po internetą () surfing, surfboarding, surfriding, surf-riding
- po mirties (adv.) posthumously
- vaikščioti po (v.) walk, take the air
- po padu laikomas (adj.) dominated, henpecked, pussywhipped, under someone's thumb
- po truputį stumtis muddle along/through
- susėsti ir pan. po du () double up
- tuoj po vidurnakčio () small hours
- po truputį () progressively, a little bit at a time, in dribs and drabs, piecemeal, little by little, bit by bit, in stages
- paslaugos po prekių pardavimo (n.) after-sales service
- po atviru dangumi (adj.) open-air, outdoor, alfresco
- po Kristaus gimimo () AD, A.D., anno Domini
- po kojomis (adj.) underfoot
- po velnių! prakeikimas! () damn!, damned!, damn
- po kieno nors padu () dominated, henpecked, pussywhipped, under someone's thumb
- po pietų () post meridiem, P.M., afternoon, pm
- po pusiaudienio () post meridiem, P.M., afternoon, pm
- po to (adv.) after, next, subsequently, then, in the future, later, afterwards, afterward, later on
- po to () following, behind, after, subsequent to, on, past, whereupon, since
- po to einantis (adj.) subsequent
- po velnių! () heck
- po vieną (adv.) singly, individually, separately, severally, one by one, on an individual basis
- po žeme (adv.) underground
- žvalgymasis po vitrinas (n.) window-shopping
- po galais () on earth, for God's sake
- po lygiai (adv.) equally, evenly
- po lygiai () share and share alike
- po visą () high and low, everywhere, throughout, all through, every nook and cranny, round
- surinkti po truputį (v.) harvest, gather, glean
- vangumas po ilgo skrydžio (n.) jet lag
- žingsnis po žingsnio () by degrees, little by little, inch by inch, gradually, bit by bit, step by step
po sinonimai aplink, apylankomis, ant, apačioje, kai, nuo, paskui, po to, žemiau